Dometic RC1600 User Manual

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RC 1600 EGP
Type: JCB - 1
Operating instructions
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Operating instructions

207.5013.12RC 1600 EGPType: JCB - 1Operating instructionsRSA

Page 2

10Fig. 1

Page 3 - 6. A/C operation

11Fig 3Fig 2sealseals

Page 4 - 7. D/C operation

Printed by Océ Hungária Kft.2006. 05. 31.

Page 5 - 8. Liquid gas operation

2Dear customer,please read the instruction book and all additional informationbefore using the appliance. It is most important that they should bereta

Page 6

3There are no restrictions on electrical operation.Site of operation must be protected from rain and other water sources.3. Storage of gas cylindersLi

Page 7 - 13. Food and drink storage

After sufficient cooling (approximately 5 hours), the thermostat positioncan be set to a lower temperature, between 2-5. The thermostat will nowautoma

Page 8 - 16. Maintenance

58. Liquid gas operationDo not use any additional form of energy (mains/battery). The unit must notbe connected to town or natural gas pipelines. It i

Page 9 - 19. Technical Data

6and water solution over them and watching for bubbles, which wouldindicate a leak.After testing dry off traces of detergent.For your safetyDo not che

Page 10

712. Shutting down gas operation 1. Close gas cylinder or pressure regulating valve.2. Turn knob (B) clockwise to the off position.13. Food and drink

Page 11

816. MaintenanceChanging the gas filter: the cellulose gas filter is situated at the back in thegas connection piece. When it becomes necessary to rep

Page 12 - 2006. 05. 31

9was a too large a quantity of food or drink stored at any one time? Foodand drink should be so stored as to allow free air circulation. Do not usepap

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